Stay Connected
April's Story: Dating, all over again.
Almost once a week David and I were able to squeeze in some kind of date. It was tricky to get all four of our kids taken care of [...]
A Picture Says A Thousand Words
Introducing a new Friday series.... A Picture Says A Thousand Words. We all have special pictures that mean so much to us. Pictures that speak to our hearts and tell a [...]
April’s Story: Feeling it’s Wrong When I Knew It Was Right
After our first face to face meeting our nerves settled and we were finally off onto our first, official date. Knowing that all the kids were taken care [...]
The Good Enough Mother
I recently observed a mom having a difficult time getting a toy away from her child. We were at a location where outside items could not be brought in, [...]
David's Story: Check Yes or No
Putting yourself out there is scary. When I finally worked up the courage to contact April my message was short, to the point, and as honest as I [...]
April’s Story: My Last First Date
**I'm sharing my story of meeting David, my last chapter. Catch up here.** Our first date was set and now I just had to wait. I felt excitement mixed [...]