Wow, 2020, you really snuck up on me. 


20 years ago I was a senior in high school. I couldn’t wait to get out of the small little town in Nevada that I grew up in and begin my college life in California. If you would have asked me then where I’d be in 20 years I’m pretty sure I would have said married with kids and with a career in education. For the most part that panned out pretty well for me, yet the details were definitely nothing of what I expected.


Fast forward 10 years to 2010. I had the perfect-to-me life. I was happily married with two sons that were 4 and 2 and a career as an elementary school teacher. If you would have asked me where I’d be in 10 years, I’m pretty sure I would have said still happily married, busy raising our growing boys and hopefully furthering my career in education into an administration role.

Those next 10 years leading up to you, 2020, started great and ended great. It was the in between, around 2016, that was hell. In 2016 and 2017, I never thought I’d make it to you. If you would have asked me then where I’d be in 2020, I would have had no answer, no hope and no future dreams or plans. 


My marriage was over in the physical form since my husband had died. I was raising our boys on my own who were so sad and lost, as was I. I ended my career to solely focus on them and their healing. Everything I envisioned was taken away and what I had pictured my life to be was no where near what I had hoped it would be. 


Here I am now, 2020, a completely different person than I was 20 years ago, 10 years ago and even 3 years ago. I’m ready to embark on a new year with you.   


I’m living that perfect-to-me life again. Happily married to my husband on earth, raising not two kids now, but five. I miss and still long for my career in education, but God’s plan for me is different for the time being. My career now is focusing on being mom to these five gifts I’ve been given. 



Dear 2020, I have plans for you.


I have plans to make you the best year yet. To enjoy the moments instead of worry about what is to come. To appreciate the blessings in my life rather than focus on what’s been taken from me. To deepen my relationship with Christ as I also deepen my relationship and love for my husband. To be a more patient mom. 


I hope those who are reading this blog have big plans for you too. I hope others make a choice to count their blessings instead of their misfortunes this year. To focus on the positives, live in the moment and not to take the people in their life that they love for granted. To put God first in their lives. To give any worry or fear they have about what you have in store for them up to God.


I pray this new you, this new year will not only hold amazing things in store for my family, but for all who are reading as well.


May we all hold tight to our loved ones, cherish the memories we make, appreciate the blessings we’ve been given and always put our hope and our faith in Christ.