Over the last couple months and I have spent more money than I am willing to share on under eye concealer and eye cream.

Dark circles, bags, wrinkles and just plain blah-ness (my made up word) have consumed my eyes.

No matter how much I apply those expensive firming eyes creams and concealers my eyes look the same and I feel all the blah-ness each time I look in the mirror. It sometimes even effects my mood and steals my joy.

A funny side note, you know what under eye concealer I seem to use the most? A cheap one I bought on Amazon for $7.95 to keep in our RV.  It works the best out of all the expensive ones I have tried.

Why is that women (or just me and I’m preaching to the choir here) often base the way they feel about themselves, as well as emotional well-being on their appearance?

This is exactly why all the companies selling popular firming eye creams and the best under eye concealers are so successful… and embarrassingly funded by yours truly.

As much as it is easier said than done I have been trying really hard to be grateful instead of complain. To find happiness in the all blessings in my life rather than focus on the sadness. To spend more time enjoying my family rather than dwell on the mundane chores on my to-do list, which seems to be one of the hardest for me.

Do you know what I have noticed?

First of all, it isn’t easy and it takes prayer, self discipline, and effort.

I have noticed that I feel the most youthful, rested, and beautiful when I am happy.

It’s not the eye cream that I hope will magically lighten my dark under eyes from lack of sleep or the concealer I layer over my new found wrinkles.

A little makeup never hurt anyone’s self esteem. I also want to encourage you to add another application to your morning routine. Try asking God to fill your heart and mind with positive thoughts throughout the day. Think of all the things big and small that you are grateful for. Count your blessings, name them one by one (reminds me of the old Johnson Oatman hymn I used to sing in church as a little girl) and focus on the ones you love.

I pray you begin to feel more and more like a better version of yourself as you continue to add that extra step into your routine each day.
