Tuesday, June 14, 2016 began as a typical summer day.


The boys were out of school for summer. I was teaching elementary school at the time and was off for the summer with them. I had finished my Master’s degree program the day before, so it was an exciting day and I felt like summer had truly begun.


Mike was working a late day shift and didn’t have to leave the house until about nine that morning. We were in the middle of remodeling the hall bathroom, so the tile guy was there with his crew, working away.


As he left the house, Mike went into the bathroom and made sure the tile guys were set for the day and I specifically remember one of them asking what color grout he wanted and he told them, “Whatever my wife wants!”. 


Mike thanked the guys for their hard work, hugged the boys, and as he always did, he told them to be good to their mom. He then kissed me goodbye, so handsome in his police uniform, and got on his police motorcycle and drove away.


The roar of the engine, which always comforted me, could be heard for awhile as he rode down our country road. Little did I know, that was the last time I would hear his motorcycle engine roar. Little did I know that was the last time our boys would get a hug from their dad.


The last time I would get a kiss from my husband.