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Pressures to Peace

I have mentioned before that it is hard when my sons are struggling to tell if it is a result of their grief or pressures of teenage life. [...]

October 8, 2020|Grief, Uncategorized|

Just a Glimpse

“I asked the boys to come in the house with me. We walked from the barn back to the house together. I was keeping the biggest secret of [...]

September 16, 2020|Parenting After Loss, Uncategorized|

A Widow and Her Wedding Ring

Recently, I watched a movie on Netflix. It was about a young widow with two children who found love again after her loss. For obvious reasons I was [...]

August 30, 2020|Encouragement, Grief, Love After Loss|

Tangible Ways to Help Those Affected by a Natural Disaster

Receiving a call in the middle of the night to evacuate your home is terrifying. Rushing out with no shoes and only the clothes on your back does [...]

August 22, 2020|Encouragement|

My Climb Up and My Fall Down the Ladder of Grief

Over the years I have gone through the stages of grief multiple times. I have climbed up and fallen down the ladder of shock, denial, anger/guilt, depression, and [...]

August 5, 2020|Grief, Uncategorized|